But blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD,whose confidence is in him.
They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. -Jeremiah 17:7-8

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Here is our UTH STAFF

A.J. Huffman is 35 and has a 7 year old son named Drew. He grew up here in Monticello and graduated from Monticello High School in 1995. He works as an Engineering Assistant for SeaArk Boats, and owns his own graphic design business called Designs By AJ. AJ loves his family, God, and the Razorbacks and he enjoys art, computers and technology. AJ does Wednesday night devotions and Bible Study.

Goal: That the youth will be come closer to God through prayer, and reading the Bible. That they will be lights in this world of darkness.

Fav Scripture: Jeremiah 29: 11-13

Fav Artist: ThirdDay, Mercy Me, Lecrae, David Crowder Band, Seventh Day Slumber, Toby Mac

Contact Info: #870-224-2450 or aj@ajhuffman.com

Aaron Taylor


Fav Scripture:

Fav Artist:

Contact Info: #870-723-6605

Michael "Noodle" Arnold


Fav Scripture:

Fav Artist:

Contact Info: #870-723-1210

Lou Arnold

Goal: That the youth learn to truly love themselves for who God created them to be so they can in turn love others (friends and enemies) the way God would want them to do.

Fav ScripturePhil. 4:13

Fav ArtistChris Tomlin, New World Son, Sidewalk Prophets, We As Humans

Contact Info#870-723-7210

We have the support of our Pastor, Youth Committee, and Church:

Pastor: Zan Pierce
Youth Committee:Jeff Meeks, Monica Calhoun, and Tim Bitely
Church: Immanuel Baptist Church


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